Jun 28, 2011

How to : Gravatar on Blogger

Best Blogger Tips
Hey Guys, many of you have a blogspot/blogger blog and want to add a gravatar on it and as we know many of you say that gravatar does not support it and even http://www.gravatar.com/ said this :

We are in the process of discussing with Blogger the possibility of adding a gravatar template tag to their arsenal.

But to activate it on blogger just follow the following steps :

1. Go to InteseDebate  and Register to a new account, and check the i want to install IntenseDebate on my blog or site.

2. The site will send you a confirmation email to your email address.

3. After you verify your account and click continue installation.
A Text box will appear enter your blog URL in it (ex: http://example.blogspot.com/ or http://www.yourdomain.com) and click next step.

4. You will now be asked how you would like to install IntenseDebate, either by widget or template. In this tutorial we will be doing it by template.

5. You will be asked which blog posts should have IntenseDebate comments enabled.This is completely up to you. If you choose "only on new posts" your previous blog posts will remain "as is", meaning that the comment system you are currently using will remain on those blog posts and all comments on those posts will remain visible. If you choose "on all blog posts" any comments on your old blog (before installation) will be hidden. I chose "on all blog posts" for my blog because I didn't have many comments when I first installed IntenseDebate.

6. Now go to Blogger and sign in, then go to Design then click edit html and choose Download Full Template.

7. Now on the IntenseDebate page on the left bar click on Browse and choose the file you downloaded it from Blogger.

8. Now its going to show a code in a small text box copy all of it then go to blogger Edit HTML Page and Select all the HTML Code in the big box and replace it with the one copied and click Save Template.

Congratulation you have activated IntenseDebate and Gravatar in your Blog!