Jul 7, 2011

Windows 8 pre-beta build to be revealed next week?

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Microsoft could show off a pre-beta version of Windows 8 next week at its Worldwide Partner Conference, say WinRumors and other sources.

iPhone 5 and iPad 3 arriving in October

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Could we have both a new iPhone and iPad this year? A new report says suppliers are gearing up to help Apple produce millions of both for an October release.

Citing component industry sources, DigiTimes says a number of Taiwan-based companies that supply Apple with parts for its gadgets have "begun to prepare materials" for the two iOS devices, with production slated to start in September.

Apple App Store hits 15 billion downloads

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Apple's App Store now has 425,000 applications.
Apple's App Store now has 425,000 applications.

Over 15 billion applications have been downloaded from Apple's App Store, the company announced today.

Jul 5, 2011

Blogger has beaten Wordpress in Alexa Rank

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Hey Guys, many of you say that Wordpress is the best blog plaftom ever and also many of you say that Blogger is the best plaftom ever but to Alexa Blogger has gotten

iOS 5 Beta 2 Released!

Best Blogger Tips Hey Guys,
Im Connor Linfoot i am going to be helping around here on 'Tech Moment'
So For my first post i would just like to tell everyone that iOS (iPhone OS) 5 Beta 2 Has Been Released To Paid Apple Developer's.
So Thats All For Today As I Am On Holiday Right Now So Im Rushing!

Jul 2, 2011

5 little-known Gmail tips and tricks

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Think you've mastered your Gmail? Here are five Gmail tips and tricks that you may not know about:

Ten ways to work smarter on your iPad

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My notebook is getting much less use now that I rely more on my iPad when I'm computing on the road. And I'm getting more work done on my iPad now that I'm using these helpful techniques to enter and edit text, and open and manage apps and files.